Welcome to Nursery Class
Welcome to Nursery class! Our teacher is Miss Matthews who has been teaching at Broom Barns since September 2022 and loves making our lessons as creative and as inspiring as possible. Her favourite things are baking, reading and crafting. She loves cats but she is not so keen on crocodiles! She likes to try and grow things in her garden but she isn’t always a successful gardener!
Working alongside Miss Matthews are Miss Harris, Miss Hickey, Mrs Parfitt and Mrs Holloran Brown. They enjoy working in Nursery and seeing the children’s faces when they do something they didn’t think they could do.
We have an exciting year planned for Nursery children. This year in Nursery we are going to explore lots of exciting things. Our core books and topics this year are: I am so brave, Dear Santa, The same but different, The train ride, Errol’s garden and Lulu loves stories. We will also be finding out about lots of special days in the year such as Diwali, Christmas and Chinese New Year and the topics that interest and excite the children too.
Nursery have P.E. every Monday, however, physical development plays an important part in the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum and so we may have physical development sessions on other days as well.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (Government Web Page for EYFS Framework) which details the learning and development for your child from birth to age 5. At Broom Barns Nursery, each child’s development is supported by high standards of early education and care. It underpins all future learning by supporting and fostering the children’s personal, social and emotional well-being. It encourages positive attitudes and disposition towards learning in the children and promotes learning through play. We adapt learning themes and topics, responding to the children’s needs and interests. Please take a look at our regular “Nursery News” to update you on this years topics.
Trips etc
In Nursery we plan local trips in response to our class topics and the children’s interests. Past trips have included going to the cinema, planting in the Town Gardens, going to the theatre to watch the pantomime, visiting Hatfield Park Farm and finding things in the local woods. We also have many visitors to the class including Zoolabs, Pets at Home, Stevenage Dog Watch, as well as parents and family members who have told us about their jobs, trained us in first aid and brought in babies or pets for us to meet.
General Information and Expectations
8.55 is the time your child should be in Nursery every day. Learning is very important please ensure your child is on time.
Children bring home a book to share with parents every Friday. Please can you read with your child at least 3 times every week. Rhymes and poems are a powerful learning source in early literacy and enable children to become interested in the rhythm and patterns of language. Please sing and read rhymes and poems with your children.
Uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please check the labels regularly as they can fade in the wash.
Long hair should be tied back.
Book bags should be clearly labelled and in school every day along with your child’s reading record and reading book. Backpacks are not needed and we do not have the space for them.
For further information on the uniform please visit our School Uniform Page
Get Involved!
We are very keen to maintain open communication with you. If there is anything you would like to talk to us about please catch us after school or make an appointment in advance.
There are numerous opportunities for you to join in with the life of the school in the following ways:
- Volunteering in School – please contact the school office for more details
- Accompanying school trips
- Class assemblies
- Sports day and sports competitions
- Whole school events such as our Decoration Day and our annual coffee morning
Thank you for your support. We look forward to a successful year!
For further information on our curriculum please see Our Curriculum Page and our Curriculum Maps Page
- EYFS Core Books (203.33KB)
- Early Years Core Books (203.33KB)
- Nursery Transition Booklet 2024 (1.79MB)
- Nursery Timetable (58.97KB)
- EYFS Leaflet (383.83KB)
- Phonics Terms (36.71KB)