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Welcome to Reception Class

Welcome to Reception class! Our Reception teacher is Miss Daniels who loves making our lessons as inspiring as possible.  Her favourite things are Disney, animals and playing netball.  She doesn’t like baked beans very much, and is a little scared of birds!

Working alongside Miss Daniels is Mrs Tuckwell, Mrs Ahmed, Miss Child, Mrs Cunnington, Mrs Norris, Mrs Parfitt and Miss Hickey.  They enjoy working in Reception as no day is the same and every day is incredibly rewarding.


We have an exciting year planned for Reception children.  Our topics this year are; families, ourselves, Autumn, Winter, space, superheroes, real life superheroes, Spring , mini-beasts and Summer!

Reception have P.E. every Monday and Friday.  however, physical development plays an important part in the new Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum and so we may have physical development sessions on other days as well.  Please could you ensure that your child has a named P.E. kit for both indoors and outside (red or white shorts, white T-shirt) in school at all times. Please take out any earrings on these days and ensure long hair is tied back.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (Government Web Page for EYFS Framework) which details the learning and development for your child from birth to age 5.  At Broom Barns, each child’s development is supported by high standards of early education and care.  It underpins all future learning by supporting and fostering the children’s personal, social and emotional well-being.  It encourages positive attitudes and disposition towards learning in the children and promotes learning through play.  We adapt learning themes and topics, responding to the children’s needs and interests.

Trips etc

In Reception we plan local trips in response to our class topics and the children’s interests.  We also have many visitors to the class including Zoolabs, Dentists, Stevenage Fire Service, as well as parents and family members who have told us about their jobs, trained us in first aid and brought in babies or pets for us to meet.

General Information and Expectations

8.50 is the time your child should be in school every day.  Learning is very important please ensure your child is on time.  Children in Reception to Year 6 finish at 3.20pm.

Reception Home Learning

It is vitally important that the children read aloud regularly at home.  Children in Reception should read with an adult at least 5 times every week for at least 5-10 minutes a day.  Please remember to sign your child’s reading record.

Children should read and write common exception words: the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, are, were, was etc.

Children should learn number bonds e.g. number bonds of 10 = 8 and 2, 6 and 4, 5 and 5 etc.


Uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.  Please check the labels regularly as they can fade in the wash.

Book bags should be clearly labelled and in school every day along with your child’s reading record and reading book.  Backpacks are not needed and we do not have the space for them.

For further information on the uniform please visit our School Uniform Page

Get Involved!

We are very keen to maintain open communication with you.  If there is anything you would like to talk to us about please catch us after school or make an appointment in advance.

There are numerous opportunities for you to join in with the life of the school in the following ways:

  • Volunteering in School – please contact the school office for more details
  • Accompanying school trips
  • Class assemblies
  • Sports day and sports competitions
  • Whole school events such as our Decoration Day and our annual coffee morning

Thank you for your support. We look forward to a successful year!

For further information on our curriculum please see Our Curriculum Page  and our  Curriculum Maps Page

Educational Links

Time Table Rock Stars:
Sam Learning:
BBC Bite Size:
Oxford Owl:
Language Angels