Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to class 5! Our teacher is Mrs Millins who has been teaching at Broom Barns since 2022 and loves making lessons fun and as memorable as possible. She is a dog lover, and her passions are travelling and reading books. She is terrified of spiders and not keen on chocolate but loves ice cream.
Working alongside Mrs Millins are Mrs Haines, Mr Monk and Miss Chillmaid. They enjoy working in Year 5 and building a good rapport with the children, helping them to feel secure, happy whilst encouraging learning, communication and social development.
We have an exciting year planned for Year 5 children. Our topics this year are; The Vikings, crime and punishment, states of matter, lifecycles, space, online safety, coding and so much more!
Year 5 have P.E. every Monday and Friday. Children will need suitable P.E. kit for both indoors and outside. Long hair should be tied back and earrings removed.
Every morning starts with EMW (early morning work). EMW is incredibly important because it helps you to revise key concepts from your learning and gives you the chance to practise your arithmetic, reading and writing skills every day. This is why arriving to school on time is so important. It equals 225 minutes a week of revision and feedback time which we have found to really help children make accelerated progress.
Trips etc
In Year 5 we plan trips in response to our class topics and the children’s interests. Past trips have included Bank of England, Mountfitchet, Glaxo, Knebworth House, The National Space Centre, Airbus, going to the local cinema and theatre to watch the pantomime. We also have many visitors to the class including Barwell School, Maths Challenge, Nobel Science and Technology group, Childline and the emergency services.
General Information and Expectations
8.50 is the time your child should be in school every day. Early morning work is very important and planned, often individually; please ensure your child is on time.
Year 5 Home Learning
It is vitally important that the children read aloud regularly at home. Children in Year 5 should read with an adult at least 5 times every week for at least 5-10 minutes a day. If they have completed their school reading book, please feel free to read other books with your child. It is important that they have the chance to read books that they are interested in e.g non-fiction, poetry and magazines as well. Children are encouraged to be independent and may change their own reading books as soon as they have finished them. The children are reminded each day to change their. We would be grateful if you could either comment or sign the reading record to let us know you have read with your child.
Children should complete spelling homework which is set for them on Spelling Shed every Friday. They will be tested the following Friday and then set new spellings.
Children should learn your times tables 5 times per week using Times Tables Rock Stars.
Uniform should be clearly labelled with your child’s name. Please check the labels regularly as they can fade in the wash.
Book bags should be clearly labelled and in school every day along with your child’s reading record and reading book. Backpacks are not needed and we do not have the space for them.
For further information on the uniform please visit our School Uniform Page
Get Involved!
We are very keen to maintain open communication with you. If there is anything you would like to talk to us about please catch us after school or make an appointment in advance.
There are numerous opportunities for you to join in with the life of the school in the following ways:
- Volunteering in School – please contact the school office for more details
- Accompanying school trips
- Class assemblies
- Sports day and sports competitions
- Whole school events such as our Decoration Day and our annual coffee morning
Thank you for your support. We look forward to a successful year!
For further information on our curriculum please see Our Curriculum Page and our Curriculum Maps Page
After School Booster
Year 5 After School Booster – Online permission form
- Y5 Curriculum Autumn 2 2024 (218.26KB)
- Y5 Curriculum Autumn 1 2024 (220.01KB)
- Year 5 Core Books (327.44KB)
- Year 5 Curriculum Map (138.51KB)
- Year 5 Core Books (327.45KB)
- Year 5 Trip to Hertfordshire Zoo (497.49KB)
- Meet the Teacher Y5 (617.27KB)
- Transition - Welcome to Year 5 2024 (5.15MB)
- Yr 5 Timetable (331.64KB)
- Multiplication and Division KS2 (311.91KB)
- Addition and Subtraction KS2 (218.90KB)
Educational Links
Time Table Rock Stars: https://ttrockstars.com
Sam Learning: https://www.samlearning.com/
BBC Bite Size: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary
Oxford Owl: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
Language Angels https://www.languageangels.com/schools/
Remote Learning
A shortcut to our Remote Learning page