Our School

Please click on the headings for full details.

Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Broom Barns Primary School.  I feel privileged to be the Headteacher at Broom Barns and I take pride in the achievements of the children. I firmly believe in the school vision and believe that every child should become R.I.C.H. Resilient, Independent, Confident, Happy. Ofsted said in their most recent report, “Behaviour of pupils …


Please hover over the photographs to reveal their roles and responsibilities. Teaching Staff Office Staff Class Support Staff Premises Staff Dolce Kitchen Staff


The governors are responsible for governing the school. Most of their work takes place out of school hours, but governors often visit the school and are linked with particular classes and each governor is also linked to a subject. Governors are here to ensure the school meets its statutory duties, manage the budget and contribute …


About Our School

Broom Barns Primary School is a one form entry inclusive school.  We aim to inspire and empower our children to learn by providing a stimulating and exciting learning environment.  We will provide a modern and relevant curriculum to enable all children to achieve their full potential regardless of gender, beliefs and academic ability.  Our staff …

Values & Ethos

At Broom Barns we treat each other with respect.  We are a safe, happy and supportive school community, where everyone can enjoy learning to achieve their goals. Broom Barns School is committed to providing equality of opportunities to all. We are proud to be an inclusive school that supports all children and adults. Broom Barns …

Admissions & Transition

Please click on the individual key stage admission pages below for details.

Location Map



Attendance Policies Government attendance policies can be found at; https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/working-together-to-improve-school-attendance Curriculum Policies Other Polices ESMA – Education Support for Medical Absences ESMA Website

School Council

At Broom Barns we have School Council representatives for every class.  The children meet on a regular basis to discuss items that they have been asked to raise by other class members. What does a school council do? The school council meets to discuss and sort our problems these may include some lunches, behaviour or …


General Data Protection Regulation (“the GDPR”) Subject Access Requests When making a (SAR) please email the DPO with; a list of all the information you would like from the school. your full name, address and contact telephone number, and any other relevant details. Data Protection Officer Email: DPO@broombarns.herts.sch.uk