The school uniform is based on the school colours of grey and red. Good quality red sweatshirts, polo shirts together with grey fleeces are available for sale from most supermarkets and chain stores. School uniform makes an important contribution to the ethos of the school and the work and attitude of the children. Wearing a school uniform reinforces a sense of community belonging and avoids their best clothes being spoiled. Please ensure that your child is dressed in clothes that he/she can easily manage. Younger children benefit from pull-up trousers and skirts and non laced shoes.
Your co-operation in ensuring that your child wears uniform to school is essential.
The children will need red, black or white shorts and a white T-shirt for P.E. and games. P.E. lessons in the hall are usually done in bare feet, but trainers are required for outdoor lessons. Please ensure your child is provided with suitable kit. We have a studs only earring rule at Broom Barns. It is a county health and safety rule that jewellery is NEVER worn whilst doing physical activities. Children will be requested to remove earrings or they will be required to wear tape over earrings – Parents/Carers may be asked to provide tape.
Since many of the areas are carpeted, children are expected to have indoor shoes (plimsolls) to change into on arrival at school. Black slip-on plimsolls are ideal. A drawstring shoe bag to keep them in would be most helpful. A shoe bag is available for sale from the school office.
School Uniform Expectations
We insist on the following simple, but smart (no logos), uniform for all students at the school and rely on parents for their full support;
- White blouse / shirt / polo shirt
- Red jumper / cardigan / sweatshirt without logos (black for Y6 only)
- Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers / shorts / red & white gingham summer dress / joggers in Nursery & Reception – please note skirts/dresses must be knee length
- White, grey or black socks / tights
- Suitable black shoes for outdoors / closed toe sandals
- Plimsolls for indoors
- Reception to Y6 only – P.E. (indoors) white T-shirt and red or black shorts
- Reception to Y6 only – P.E. (outdoors) grey or black tracksuit and trainers
- Book bags and shoe/P.E. bags can only be purchased through your Arbor account – these are the only uniform items with the school logo and are under £5.
- Stud earrings only and no earrings during P.E.
- Pupil’s hair styles must be moderate – we do not allow more extreme styles eg – bright or multi – coloured hair, Mohican hair cuts or patterns shaved into hair.
- Hair bands/braids/ribbons/scrunchies can only be worn to ensure long hair is tied back.
- No large backpacks
- Mobile phones, tablets, iPods, MP3 players and earphones should not be brought into school.
- Smart watches are not allowed in school.
If you would like information on second hand uniform please contact the school office and ask for the Family Support Worker
ONLY Year 5 & 6 pupils have the privilege of bringing in a mobile phone on the understanding;
- They hand it to the School Office/class staff where it will be kept and will only be returned at the end of the day.
- The school will not accept responsibility for these items so please ensure you have appropriate insurance cover as the school’s insurance does not cover loss or damage.
- Children should protect their phone numbers by only giving them to trusted friends and family members.
- Please ensure you speak to your child about the safe and appropriate use of mobile phones and personally-owned devices and make them aware of boundaries and consequences.
- No images or videos should be taken on mobile phones or personally-owned mobile devices without the prior consent of the person or people concerned.
- School Uniform Policy Sept 2022 to 2027 (537.66KB)