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The governors are responsible for governing the school. Most of their work takes place out of school hours, but governors often visit the school and are linked with particular classes and each governor is also linked to a subject.

Governors are here to ensure the school meets its statutory duties, manage the budget and contribute to school improvement – curriculum and premise.  If you would like to speak to a governor please contact the school office.

The governors of Broom Barns Primary School believe it is important that the board reflects the diversity of the school communities. Diversity promotes inclusive school environments and provides diverse role models for staff and young people.  Please open the ‘Governor Diversity’ section below, to view the make up of our governing body.

Governor Category Term of Office Attendance FGB
Attendance FGB
Relevant Interests
Mrs Julie Ashley-Wren Co-opted Governor
(Vice Chair)
01/09/22 – 31/08/26 6/6 2/2 Stevenage Borough Councillor
Mrs Dawn Brown Partnership Governor 07/09/21 –  21/03/25 3/6 2/2 Employed at Greenside School
Mrs Jayne Currant Headteacher Ongoing 4/6 2/2 Michael Currant – Carpet Supplier and Fitter (Spouse)
Mr Richard Hewgill LEA Governor 25/06/21 – 24/06/25 5/6 2/2 Governor at the Priory School
Mr Jason Martin Partnership Governor
18/01/23 – 17/01/27 5/6 2/2
Mr Conor McGrath Co-opted Governor 14/09/23 – 13/09/27 N/A 2/2 Stevenage Borough Councillor
Mrs Maja O’Sullivan Staff Governor 04/11/22 – 03/11/26 5/5 2/2 Member of Staff
Dr Hirra Naeem Parent Governor 23/09/22 – 22/09/26 4/5 1/2  
Mrs Jackie Phillips Associate Governor 07/09/17 – 06/09/25 6/6 2/2 Member of Staff
Mrs Sarah Shaw Parent Governor


01/01/24 – 31/12/27 N/A N/A  
Recent Previous Governors
Miss Nicole Robinson Associate Governor 01/01/20 – 31/12/24 2/6 1/2  Member of staff

Mrs Julie Ashley-Wren

I am using my 30 years plus experience as a governor at other schools in Broom Barns.  I taught primary and nursery for over 20 years and as a parent of five and a grandparent I am totally committed to ensuring the best possible opportunities for all children to develop their love of learning.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles;

Leadership and Management and Personal Development, Safeguarding/Prevent, Children Looked After (Pupil Premium Plus), Pupil Premium

Mrs Dawn Brown

I am Stevenage born and bred, and have had links with Broom Barns for many years. I currently work at Greenside School and we link with Broom Barns to provide opportunities for the two groups of pupils to meet, participate in activities together and enjoy each others company. I am the whole school lead for autistic learners and work across the year groups. I have supported trainee teachers both at Greenside and during their placements at Broom Barns for over 5 years. I also work for the National Autistic Society accreditation team.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles; Quality of Education and Behaviour & Attitude, SEND

Mrs Jayne Currant

I am a Primary Years trained teacher and I have taught in both Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire and across the primary range. I joined Broom Barns Primary School in January 2011 as Deputy Head and was appointed as Headteacher in September 2015. I feel privileged to be the Headteacher at Broom Barns and I take pride in the achievements of the children. I firmly believe in the school vision and believe that every child should become R.I.C.H. Resilient, Independent, Confident, Happy.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles;  Equalities, Policies, Prevent Trained, Safer recruitment trained.

Mr Richard Hewgill

Mr HewgillI have lived in Stevenage for over 50 years and my 2 daughters and their families also live in the town. Having started my career in the building trade I moved into Local Government and later became a Housing Manager in London. I have been a school governor since 2004 and am currently Vice Chair of governors at The Priory School in Hitchin as well as being Vice Chair of governors at Broom Barns. I believe strongly in the right of every child to receive an education that will help them achieve their maximum potential. Being a governor allows me to assist in ensuring that this is achieved.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles;  Safer Recruitment Trained, Prevent Trained, Leadership and Management and Personal Development

Mr Jason Martin

jmartin2015As a former student of Broom Barns, with two children that previously attended the school, I felt being a Parent Governor provided me with the ideal opportunity to give something back and support the school in its quest to become an outstanding rated school. Having graduated with an honors degree in Marketing, I relocated to Hong Kong, where I spent 20 years in Marketing & Sales related jobs. I opened two companies in Asia then expanded into Europe, which was the main reason my family and I returned to the UK. I am passionate about primary education and will strive towards providing a platform that allows every pupil at Broom Barns the opportunity to excel to best of their ability. I am very proud to be part of the Broom Barns team.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles; Quality of Education and Behaviour & Attitude, Finance, GDPR, Premises, tenders, H&S, Fire Safety

Mr Conor McGrath

Conor McGrath

I have lived in Bedwell all my life and am proud to run The Poacher pub, a community-based business that has been in my family for thirty years.  This has given me a unique insight into the concerns and ambitions of Bedwell’s residents. I also volunteer for our community centre and local food banks.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles;  Leadership and Management and Personal Development, e-safety/cyber security, Pupil voice.

Mrs Maja O’Sullivan

I was born in Poland, but moved to England to start a new life in Stevenage, where I live with my children.  I have taught in a few schools and managed my own after school club, giving the children the opportunity to relax and have fun after a day at school.  I am a teacher at Broom Barns, currently working in Year 5, teaching the children new skills whilst developing their intellect for their futures.

Dr Hirra Naeem

I have always wanted to contribute to the community, and felt becoming a governor was a good opportunity, as my son has attended Broom Barns Primary School since 2018.  Being a parent myself, I understand the needs of the children as well as the parents.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles; Quality of Education and Behaviour & Attitude, Mental Health and Wellbeing.

Mrs Jackie Phillips

I am a primary year’s trained teacher and I have taught across the primary phases. I joined Broom Barns School in 1999 as a class teacher and was appointed as Deputy Head teacher in December 2015.  I believe that every child, without question, has the potential to succeed and it is our job to strive to create the kind of environment in which all children can realise their full potential.

Areas of Responsibility/Roles; EYFS, Prevent Trained, Safer Recruitment Trained.

Mrs Sarah Shaw

I am a mum of two and a stepmum to one.  I take a great interest in education.  I wanted to be a governor to help make the school even better than it already is for our children and for future children.  My work life is in education, I am a cleaning supervisor in a local school.  My biggest passion is cooking, which I hope to share with the children.