Attendance & Holidays in Term Time

Children of school-age who are registered at a school must, by law, attend school every day. Attendance is important, not just because the law requires it, but because it is the best way of ensuring that a child makes the most of the educational opportunities which are available to him or her. There may be occasions when a child has to miss school – for example, if he or she is very unwell.

In particular, parents should avoid taking their children out of school during term-time in order to go on holiday.

If you are late you must report to the main school office and sign in on the system.  Your child will then be taken/sent to their class.  

Please do not send your child into school through an open door or ask staff/children to open doors for you as they may not then be properly registered. It is vital all children are registered in the case of an emergency such as a fire. 

Please see the Hertfordshire County Council for information for information on Penalty Notices. H.C.C. Penalty Notice link