Further Esafety Guides and Support

Government resources

National Crime Agency (NCA)

  • A collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations:
  • A collaboration between NCA and CEOP providing support and guidance for parents:


UK Safer Internet Centre

  • This site contains advice on how to use the internet and new technologies safely and responsibly as well as a range of practical resources, news and events focussing on the safe and responsible use of the internet and new technologies.

Internet Matters

  • An internet portal which aims to direct parents and carers to credible and helpful information on how to keep children safe online.

Google Family Safety Centre

  • Provides parents and teachers with practical tools to help them choose what content their children see online. Look out for the video tips on how to set up safe searching on Google and YouTube.

Other useful Links

N.B Each of the search engines including the top 5 e.g. Yahoo, Virgin, Bing! (formerly MSN) ASK and Aol will have their own internet safety pages. You can search for these on their home page.