Category: Uncategorized

About Our School


Broom Barns Primary School is a one form entry inclusive school.  We aim to inspire and empower our children to learn by providing a stimulating and exciting learning environment.  We will provide a modern and relevant curriculum to enable all children to achieve their full potential regardless of gender, beliefs and academic ability.  Our staff …

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Headteacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Broom Barns Primary School.  I feel privileged to be the Headteacher at Broom Barns and I take pride in the achievements of the children. I firmly believe in the school vision and believe that every child should become R.I.C.H. Resilient, Independent, Confident, Happy. Ofsted said in their most recent report, “Behaviour of pupils …

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Payments & Communication

Parent Survey Analysis 2023/2024 Governors conducted the survey during the week beginning 12th February 2024.  The survey asks a series of questions which the respondent has to rate. The ratings are as follows for most questions: 1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Strongly disagree 4. Disagree Parents were invited to give written feedback at the …

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Nursery Admissions

Apply online for a place at our Nursery Online Data Collection Form  The responsibility for admission into nursery provision lies with the governing body of the school which offers such provision.  We have places for 30 children in our nursery each year.  Our nursery runs mornings only from 8.55 a.m. to 11.55 a.m. The  application form …

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New Push Notifications available

Test message

Values & Ethos

At Broom Barns we treat each other with respect.  We are a safe, happy and supportive school community, where everyone can enjoy learning to achieve their goals. Broom Barns School is committed to providing equality of opportunities to all. We are proud to be an inclusive school that supports all children and adults. Broom Barns …

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If you have any questions or would like to find out more about the curriculum your child is following, after looking through our curriculum pages, please talk to your child’s class teacher. Please click on the headings below for further details.  

Year 6

Year 6 Classroom

Welcome to Year 6 Welcome to class 6! Our teacher is Mrs Phillips who has been teaching at Broom Barns since 1999 and loves making our lessons as motivating as possible.  Her favourite things are chocolate and fresh cream.  She doesn’t like queues or tea very much, and is scared of butterflies! Working alongside Mrs Phillips …

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Year 5

Class 5

Welcome to Year 5 Welcome to class 5! Our teacher is Mrs O’Sullivan who has been teaching at Broom Barns since 2022 and loves making lessons fun and as memorable as possible. She is a dog lover, and her passions are travelling and reading books. She is terrified of spiders and not keen on chocolate …

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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 Welcome to class 4!  Our Year 4 teacher is Miss Wilkinson.  Miss Wilkinson has been teaching at Broom Barns since 2021 she loves making our lessons as innovative and interesting as possible.  Mrs Wilkinson’s favourite things are coffee, reading and baking.  She doesn’t like scary movies very much, and is scared …

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